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Reviewing Lois and Clark: How the classic Superman returned

Art by Lee Weeks

Following the demise of the New 52 Superman in 2016's Final Days event, DC Comics brought back the classic Clark Kent that the world knows and loves. It was up to Dan Jurgens, one of the most influential Superman writers in recent history, to explain exactly what he'd been up to while he was gone.

In Lois and Clark, it is revealed that this Superman had been around since the start of DC's New 52 reboot, having been sent there by the usually-villainous Brainiac. When he saw that this new universe already had its own Man of Steel, Clark decided not to reveal himself, and lived in secret with his wife Lois and their infant son.

Lois and Clark's son, Jon

Yep, that's right - the biggest addition this book makes to the Superman mythos is giving Clark a son. His name might not be in the title, but the story is very much centred around little Jon Kent (or White, the family's undercover name) and the struggles that the Super-family must face when raising him in a strange new world.

Jurgens, who is known best for the universe-shattering tales Death of Superman and Zero Hour, steps out of his comfort zone to give us an excellent family drama. Lois and Clark is very much a slice-of-life story, focusing more on the White family's relationships than any kind of fast-paced, epic plot.

Blanque has a lot of potential for future stories

Nonetheless, Jurgens still uses this book as an opportunity to explore some fun elements and add a bit of spice to the book. Over the course of the story, the White family must face a whole load of enemies, including the sadistic psychic Blanque, a brand-new Superman villain. In a way, it's like Jurgens is throwing a bunch of appealing ingredients into a cooking pot and hoping it turns out alright.

Luckily, this might just be Jurgens' best work. The lives of the White family are far from normal, but the family dynamics are grounded and believable. Like all great Superman stories, the outlandish aspects are used as metaphors for day-to-day issues. For example, "An entire world, new to us" refers to both the rebooted universe and raising a child.

Weeks conveys Clark's strength superbly

The book is brought to life by the magnificent Lee Weeks of Daredevil: Last Rites fame. His classic-looking artwork gives the book a warm, familiar feel that fits the family theme perfectly, accentuated by Brad Anderson's sublime colours. Not only that, but Weeks provides Lois and Clark with the brilliant action sequences that every Superman book needs.

Lois and Clark is the beginning of a whole new era of Superman media. It will serve as a prime example of the White/Kent family dynamic for decades to come, and overall will be recommended by many as an enjoyable Man of Steel story. Don't go in expecting the world's most thrilling story, but brace yourself for a family drama that expands Superman's world in a brand-new way.

Rating: 7.5/10

DC have released a Lois and Clark trade as part of their Road to Rebirth line of comics. Grab a physical copy from your favourite bookstore or download the digital edition from Comixology!


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