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The unique cover art of Tom Taggart

So many diverse comic covers have been released over the years that it is impossible to decide upon a single best cover artist. Some, however, tend to stand out from the rest. For example, there's the unmistakable realism of Alex Ross, the dynamic and modern feel of Jim Lee, and the cartoony yet incredibly detailed work of Frank Quitely. Then there's Tom Taggart - compared to Ross, Lee and Quitely, he's published relatively few comic covers, but they are so unique in style that they will be remembered by all who see them.

Taggart is known for creating covers out of real-life sculptures with an uncanny level of detail. This is an artistic technique rarely found in the world of comics, making Taggart's work instantly recognisable. Many have been exposed to his work through DC's Doom Patrol comics, for which he provided the closest thing to a live-action Robotman until the TV series launches next year.

These unique covers serve as a perfect representation of the darker side of superhero comics, such as DC's Vertigo imprint. Unfortunately, Taggart no longer makes covers for the major publishers, but he continues to sculpt and you can purchase his art for yourself from his Etsy shop.

Which comic cover artists do you believe deserve more recognition? Leave a comment below and they could be featured in a future article.


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